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Friday, 17 November 2017

Snapchat Update- How To Make Your Own Holi Powder

We thought we'd Snapchat the step-by-step process of how we made Holi Powder for use in our video!

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Editing Diary

Risk Assessment: Holi Powder

How to Make Holi Powder

In terms of the abstract/concept aspects of our video we have researched into the use of 'holi powder' to make our video colourful and visually exciting for the viewer. However, it can prove quite expensive to buy the powder readily-made so we have researched into a much cheaper method of making it at home with just flour, water and food colouring.

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Group Communication

As a group, good communication  is vital. In order to ensure we're all up-to-date with what's going on, plan our meet-ups and send videos/pictures etc. we use our iMessage group chat.